Block Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center

Patient Testimonials and Reviews ...

Dr .Debra block is a miracle worker. She didn’t just help me with my physical problem, but with my mental problem too. For a long time I hated being tall. Starting from the 5th grade, I was very unhappy because I always stick out and not blend in. This made me feel ashamed of myself, I started bending down and hunch over so I would appear shorter like my classmates. Eventually I developed scoliosis; this means if the problem wasn’t fixed with physical therapy, I would have to have surgery.

My mom took me to Dr. Block; she started working on my back twice a week. I did everything she said, determined to regain my posture. Within three months my spine shifted by 40 degrees; this was considered as an overachievement by Children’s Hospital. It meant I wouldn’t need surgery anymore. My whole life completely changed.  Dr. Block didn’t only shape my spine but she shaped my whole future, my life.

I now walk straight and appreciate who I am. Even though I am still taller than most of my classmates (7th grade) I feel proud and confident. Nobody I’ve ever met bothered about feelings or anything mentally that can result to a problem. Dr. Block really cares about me and what has an impact on me. With her I could be comfortable with anything. There is just something special about her that makes her feel like family, and NOT “just a doctor”.

If I was to become a model, God knows I would look back to Dr. Block who put an entrance to my dream, my career, and my life

Thank you soooooooooo much.
– Infinity

Dr. Block is genuinely concerned about her patients and their well-being. She was the first medical professional that we saw who was able to look at the big picture and provide an external impartial assessment of my wife's overall condition, treating the whole patient, rather than just the spine. Going to Dr. Block was the first step in turning the corner on an otherwise intractable series of pain problems. Seeing Dr. Block treat my wife so effectively has made me a patient as well.
– patient's husband

My first experience with Dr. Block was in August 2004. Following a car accident, I was referred to a local chiropractic office by my lawyer. I had never been to a chiropractor before. I was in pain from the accident, and nervous about what to expect. I was immediately put at ease by Dr. Block. She definitely cares about her patients. Prior to treating me, she spent time asking me questions about my accident and symptoms. I never felt rushed or intimidated by her. Her treatment had me feeling much better within a couple of months (after suffering from serious back issues from the car accident). In February 2009, I was in need of chiropractic care again. I returned to the location in which I was originally treated. I found out that Dr. Block was no longer there. I was disappointed, but decided to stay and get treatment by another doctor. I was not happy with the care and treatment that I received. In January 2010, I went online and searched for Dr. Block. Upon finding her new office location [she had opened her own business], I made an appointment with her for lower back pain issues. As busy as she was, she immediately fit me into her schedule. I was happy to see that there was no change to the excellent care and treatment that she provides. Because she is so good, her schedule is extremely busy. But she cares about her patients, so she typically works through lunch every day and stays way past her closing time in order to make sure that her patients are cared for. I continue to see Dr. Block for regular monthly maintenance care for my back issues. She is the best, and I would highly recommend her!
– Mgt V

I was skeptical about the efficacy of chiropractic care. When back pain got in the way of running and daily activities, I gave Dr. Block a try. I am now a believer! Thanks to Dr. Block, I'm back to distance runs with comfort and confidence. Hip and back pain no longer have control if my life.
- patient

Fantastic! Dr. Block really takes time to understand what you are experiencing and its’ impact on your everyday life. Then she encourages that improvement. I have more mobility and less back pain that I have had in a decade. I have renewed hope, and I am back to enjoying life to its’ fullest!
-Brian (IT Manager)

Over the years I have sought relief in many ways, with temporarily relief. I noticed an improvement very quickly with chiropractic care. Within a month, my chronic upper back pain totally disappeared (something a year and a half of physical therapy could not achieve).
- patient

“After having my second baby I had lots of hip and lower back pain that would not go away. She [Dr. Block] is a wonderful doctor who cares about you as a person and really works to do whatever she can to get you better. She also tries to address lifestyle changes that may help you get better. They make you feel like a friend instead of just another member to see.”
– Kim O. (Physical Therapist)

“I have been very pleased with the level of care and attention and treatment tailored to specific needs. Dr. Block not only treats but educates on the ways to improve and maintain a total well being. As a nurse this is very important for me.”
- Anonymous (Nurse)

“ ……..I injured my lower back on a job site. Dr. Deb, as my wife and I call her, has been a God send to us both. Dr. Deb has outstanding skill in her chiropractic care of her patients, but as important to me is her bedside manner. Dr Deb has the ability to put you at ease with her warm, outgoing personality. The staff as well as Dr. Deb herself make you feel welcomed and cared for.”
- Randy B. (Associate Pastor/ Home Improvement Contractor)

“In 1992 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis…Dr. Block is helping me feel better, move freely and do things I haven’t been able to do in years. I know I will still have hard times, but with her help I can move through them. Thank you Dr. Deb.”
– Sheila B. (Retired School Paraprofessional)

"Dr Block help me get back on my feet after a serious flare up from a chronic lower back issue that I have been struggling with for the past 5 years. Dr Block's expert manipulation, care and advice helped my back to heal quickly. I was able to enjoy my vacation in Disney with my energetic 7 and 4 year olds and be on my feet all day without pain. Since then, Dr Block has helped me maintain good back and neck care. Her studio is welcoming, modern and clean. A wonderful hydro-massage bed is also available to her clients. I highly recommend Dr Block's practice to anyone with neck and back issues.
- Rachael F. Bethesda.

I had injured my neck several times since childhood and when I hit my head about 2 years ago I did not attribute my shoulder and arm pain to my neck. After X-rays, my regular doctor prescribed less movement of my neck, don’t look up if it hurts, and pain killers/muscle relaxers. I did not like the side effects of the prescriptions so I needed a different solution. My quality of life was diminishing and my family could tell. I could not keep up with my teenage boys and preteen daughter. I had put off seeing a chiropractor for several years. Now just after 3 months of treatment with Dr. Block; I am able to look up without pain, no shoulder pain while driving or exercising, my knees don’t hurt while sitting. I am riding a 900cc motorcycle, chopping wood and using my chainsaw again. My teenage sons can’t keep up with me. After 8 hours at the office, I get home and look forward to doing projects around the house. I am rejuvenated man. I am 48 years old and feel like 38 again when I built our house.
-Thomas H.

Comfortable, accommodating and effective. She worked around my growing belly bump and always made me relaxed and comfortable. Labor was ALSO so much easier this time.
- Sara (teacher)

“I had an unhappy experience with a previous chiropractor. Dr. Block has restored my belief in this type of treatment.”
– Joyce H. (Program Analyst)

“They do not get any better than Dr. Block. Fantastic Doctor! The only one I have met that cares more about her clients than the bottom dollar. She works with integrity, a trait missing in most chiropractic clinics I have encountered."
- 2/18/09 Anonymous

Block Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center, LLC - 3919 National Drive Suite 110, Burtonsville, MD 20866
301-476-7575  |

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